Grandpa Joe with Pups

Grandpa Joe with Pups
Joe with his son's and daughter-in-law's puppies, Olivia and Winston

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Marney (Williamson) Collins

Dearest Cousin Joe (3rd cousin once removed...or something like that!)
I am so happy we found each other! (I think we can thank cousin Judith for helping making the family connection!) I am also so glad you have been such a great family historian for the "Jarvis" side, not to mention your own! I find it very interesting to "get to know" who my ancestors were! I do hope we will get another chance to meet in person! You also have such a nice family who care about you so much!
So, with that being said, I just wanted to wish you a very HaPpY 70th BiRtHdAy!! You don't look a day over "39!" You have been such and interesting person to get to know! You have been so kind and thoughtful! I have enjoyed our e-mails and phone conversations. I look forward to many more years of friendship! Have a great 70th year!
Love ya!

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