Grandpa Joe with Pups

Grandpa Joe with Pups
Joe with his son's and daughter-in-law's puppies, Olivia and Winston

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Even the UNC Tarheels know it is Joe's Birthday!

Roy:  "Michael, Dean, did you guys hear it is Joe Jarvis's Birthday?" 
Michael: "I did.  He is 70!!!  Man that is old."
Dean: "Hey, hey, now, that is not old!  He is just very mature like me."

Thanks, Joe, for all your help coaching the Tarheels over the years.  It is always nice to have someone at home keep us on track.  Keep up the coaching in Cary!
Happy 70th Birthday.
Roy Williams, Dean Smith, and Michael Jordan

1 comment:

  1. Hahaaa--he does coach, every night when a game is on, from his barcalounger here in Cary.
