Grandpa Joe with Pups

Grandpa Joe with Pups
Joe with his son's and daughter-in-law's puppies, Olivia and Winston

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A big thank you to everyone from 70th birthday boy Joe Jarvis

 I want to thank everyone who made my 70th birthday so special with all your birthday wishes.  Some of your comments were highly bloated and inaccurate; some were painfully deficient in their lack of verbose praise on a grandiose occasion for such a deserving person!
Yours humbly,
Joe Jarvis

Old timer Joe Jarvis with his kids Beth & Ethan

Joe Jarvis favorite daughter-in-law Katie Jarvis

Ethan & Beth's mom Melanie (Davala) Jarvis joins celebration

Winston & Melanie and Joe & Sue enjoying Joe's 70th

Sue Smith admiring Joe Jarvis' 70th birthday decoration

Beth Jarvis warming up by the fireplace

Beth makes pecan pie complete with Jarvis "Happy Face" for Dad

Joe's favorite "Chihuly Candle" angel food cake by Beth Jarvis

Sue & Beth packed 70 candles on the angel food cake 

Ethan & Katie give Pop a lovely bird book for his 70th

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