Grandpa Joe with Pups

Grandpa Joe with Pups
Joe with his son's and daughter-in-law's puppies, Olivia and Winston

Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome to a blog all about our beloved Joe Jarvis!

On January 4, 1942 our dear Joseph Cullen Jarvis was born.  Now, 70 years later, he is still blessing us with his humor, knowledge, and emails!  For his milestone birthday, please post a picture or pictures of a time you or your family had with Joe; write a story about one of the many silly things that he does; or just share a note with well wishes to Joe. 

One of the most important things to my Dad is his family and friends.  I know hearing for all of those people will be an amazing present since it is hard for everyone to be in the same place at once.
If you would rather email or snail mail a letter, send a photo or card, please let me know and I can help arrange that for you, Thanks in advance! 
Happy Birthday, Dad!

Beth Jarvis

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